Flustered career confessions of a woman

epiphany – A divine manifestation. A moment of sudden understanding or revelation.

dungeons – The main tower within the walls of a medieval castle or fortress. A dark cell (usually underground) where prisoners can be confined.


woman confused skmclasses
Your favourite things in the world, and in all those happy moments, an idea will click into you, which will transform you, into, something better. And your story will be a piece of inspiration for several other people going through the same phase Last few weeks ago, I was going through a rough path of thorns and stones in my way. For one moment I thought I was finished and my life was literally over. Confused and disturbed, I had nothing in my hands to change my destiny. I lost my job. And I did not have a backup plan ,still thinking what next??

I never had secrets from my parents, and here I was lying to them, “I am ok mom. Just now I came back from office”, used to be my words while sitting all day at home thinking of all the negative things a human being could ever think of !!.

Life ,how confusing and hard it could be!!. We get a job later, but first we have to think of a back-up plan, in case we lose our job. One day, I was talking with my mum, and we were discussing stuffs, and she said “Now a days, both partners are earning as they have their extra needs to be fulfilled”.

And I started thinking “hell lots of people have unnecessary needs which snatches their peace of mind, and slowly – slowly it leads to depression in later stages of life”.

And I realised , I am much more blessed than any other sad soul on the planet, as I realised the basic law of success and ultimate happiness sooner than any and that it “stop competing with others for jealously, rather compete with others for a healthy competition, so that u may get a new goal always, to go further in your life and explore more beautiful and futuristic realities of life”. And then I took a break. I did all my favourite stuff in the world, which I could not do, because of my busy schedule of office.

I started taking cooking lessons, and my caretaker started charging me lots of money for cleaning my kitchen *smiles*.

I started reading lots of books, my most favourite passion in the world. Taking a hot bath, tanning my skin in sun, drinking my orange juice ,while reading “Adultery”, a Paulo coelho book used to make my day. I was filled with so much positivity inside me, that automatically positive vibes started coming to me, and one day I thought of pursuing my career as a freelancer.

It was one of my childhood dreams, but due to my busy life, I neglected this part of me for a long time, but when negativity hit me, and nothing good was happening with me, I entered a hollow dungeons, and came out of it, and an epiphany happened “I evolved into a completely better and new person”.

Sometimes when nothing is going good around you, stop cursing God, and stop Cursing every random person on earth. Just stop by a mirror, and, think of stuffs which makes you happy and do all as you.

There is a saying “good attracts good, evil attracts evil”. Use your mind, become the creator of your own destiny and you will get answers of all your confusions and questions at the right time !!

38 woman cofused


This is part of the series on Descriptive Adjectives and words for Creative Writing

To learn the ” meaning ” of an adjective or word from the story. Stories are known as fiction because they have fictitious characters.
An acerbic criticism of some imaginary
( gulling, gamey, clamant, exigent, blabbing, gabbling, palavering, crotchety, inveigling, cantankerous, blarneying, wheedling, chousing ) women.

Strange is this world …. Even the most harridan woman expects her husband to be uxorious.

Reading all the stories will teach you most useful, practical, adjectives for women. The verbs explain what women do in the stories.

Make sure you see





acerbic – Sour or bitter in taste. Harsh or corrosive in tone. “an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose”.

gulling – Make a fool or dupe of. Gull – Fool or hoax. codding. twitting – Harass with persistent criticism or carping.
carping – Persistent petty and unjustified criticism. Raise trivial objections.
caviling. chicaning. chousing – Defeat someone through trickery or deceit. jockeying, shafting

gamey – Suggestive of sexual impropriety. racy.

clamant – Conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry. Demanding attention. “clamant needs”. clamorous.
strident – Being sharply insistent on being heard. “strident demands”. Unpleasantly loud and harsh. sibilant. spirant. fricative. continuant.

exigent – Demanding attention. “regarded literary questions as exigent and momentous”. Requiring precise accuracy.
“became more exigent over his pronunciation”.

blabbing – blabbering – Divulge confidential information or secrets. Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly. gabbling.
maundering. prating. clacking. gibbering. palavering. peaching. piffling, Piffle, prattling.
tattling – Prone to communicate confidential information. Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly.

inveigling – Influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering. blarneying.

wheedling – The act of urging by means of teasing or flattery.

harridan – A scolding (even vicious) old woman. nagger.

vicious – (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering. “vicious kicks”. Having the nature of vice.
Bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure. Marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful. “vicious gossip”.

uxorious – Foolishly fond of or submissive to your wife.

huffy – Quick to take offence. Roused to anger. “stayed huffy a good while”.

hollering – A very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal). Utter a sudden loud cry.

beefing – Complain. grousing. squawking. Utter a harsh abrupt scream. skreighing. screaking. whining. yawping. yammering. wrawling. yowling.

scheming – Concealing crafty designs for advancing your own interest. “a scheming wife”; “a scheming gold digger”.
Scheme – Form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner.

A truthful summary of huffy women is given at


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