People foolishly prefer percentage calculations over absolute calculations

People will not travel far to save money when percentage savings is low. People unnecessarily try to save % wise. If an item is costing Rs 500 in other part of the city while near the house it is Rs 1000 then people say they are ready to go and buy that for Rs 500. People do not like to pay ” double ” for that is available so cheap !
But if some thing costs 31000 Rs near the house while in the other part of the city it is Rs 30500 then to save that same amount of Rs 500 people are not ready to travel.


“Are you concocting to come by this rice cooker?”
“Yes. Do you have a little muddle in your psyche apropos that?”
“What? That connotes you’re solemn concerning it. Are you bananas?”
“What’s so irksome about it?”
“You’re apprising me that you’re yearning to take a jaunt only to coming by this piece of crap? And that too because of this gruesome markdown overture?”
“I construe that you haven’t snapped up anything in your so-called uncut life. Only a screwy-witted pinchpenny will desert this overture.”
“What’s so bizarre in it? It is the peddler seeking to trade off the unsold stock of craps at a lower price. Don’t fall in this ensnare.”
“I had sufficient of your homily. Now listen, I have to hasten prior to the overture comes to a halt. See ya, bye.”

Vrinda left. I was gripping the pamphlet saying “50% off for Rice Cooker… hurry…grab the piece @ Rs. 1000 only”. Any sane human being can faintly fall for this. But how can I disregard Vrinda being my wife, and a woman, too? “God…these women…,” I murmured. Since last six years of our ‘holy wedlock’, it has been a skirmish saga – mewing logic vs. roaring baloney. And today, she has taken my car, and presumably she will traverse around 10-12 kilometers to come by this crap. When this same was obtainable at the store in the vicinity of our residence, she was indisposed in that and said, “Rs. 2000 for a rice cooker!!! I can’t distinguish what eminence my father ascertained in you.” Truly speaking, right now, I am having the same query.


Two weeks afterward, it was an evening and I was returning from office. When I reached my car, I discovered a pamphlet beneath the wiper. Words on the pamphlet just catalyzed my adrenalin rush. I rode back home as fast as I could.

“Hey Vrinda, have a look at this.” I handed over the pamphlet to her.

She gazed at the pamphlet for a while, and bestowed me with an arctic retort, “It’s not worth.”
I was shocked and virtually shrieked, “What are you saying?”
“I said it’s not worth.”
“Two weeks back, when you brought that piece of crap, did I put forth any resentment? And now, when I am in dire need of this, you are holding me back?”
“I still marvel, with this level of loaf, how can you manage to effectuate your works in office?”
“What do you mean?” I was on fire.
“I mean,” Vrinda started in a calm tone, “that was a 50% markdown. And you’re showing me a markdown of 15%?”

I was astounded at this logic. She continued, “Taking a jaunt over there and then returning costs really grave. How can you think of affording it?”

Throwing this horde of words on my face, she left.

I was standing like a statue with the pamphlet, “Lenovo laptop of Rs. 30000 is now @ Rs. 25500 only… grab it before the offer ends”.


This is part of the series on Descriptive Adjectives and words for Creative Writing

To learn the ” meaning ” of an adjective or word from the story. Stories are known as fiction because they have fictitious characters.
An acerbic criticism of some imaginary
( gulling, gamey, clamant, exigent, blabbing, gabbling, palavering, crotchety, inveigling, cantankerous, blarneying, wheedling, chousing ) women.

Strange is this world …. Even the most harridan woman expects her husband to be uxorious.

Reading all the stories will teach you most useful, practical, adjectives for women. The verbs explain what women do in the stories.

Make sure you see



acerbic – Sour or bitter in taste. Harsh or corrosive in tone. “an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose”.

gulling – Make a fool or dupe of. Gull – Fool or hoax. codding. twitting – Harass with persistent criticism or carping.
carping – Persistent petty and unjustified criticism. Raise trivial objections.
caviling. chicaning. chousing – Defeat someone through trickery or deceit. jockeying, shafting

gamey – Suggestive of sexual impropriety. racy.

clamant – Conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry. Demanding attention. “clamant needs”. clamorous.
strident – Being sharply insistent on being heard. “strident demands”. Unpleasantly loud and harsh. sibilant. spirant. fricative. continuant.

exigent – Demanding attention. “regarded literary questions as exigent and momentous”. Requiring precise accuracy.
“became more exigent over his pronunciation”.

blabbing – blabbering – Divulge confidential information or secrets. Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly. gabbling.
maundering. prating. clacking. gibbering. palavering. peaching. piffling, Piffle, prattling.
tattling – Prone to communicate confidential information. Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly.

inveigling – Influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering. blarneying.

wheedling – The act of urging by means of teasing or flattery.

harridan – A scolding (even vicious) old woman. nagger.

vicious – (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering. “vicious kicks”. Having the nature of vice.
Bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure. Marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful. “vicious gossip”.

uxorious – Foolishly fond of or submissive to your wife.

huffy – Quick to take offence. Roused to anger. “stayed huffy a good while”.

hollering – A very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal). Utter a sudden loud cry.

beefing – Complain. grousing. squawking. Utter a harsh abrupt scream. skreighing. screaking. whining. yawping. yammering. wrawling. yowling.

scheming – Concealing crafty designs for advancing your own interest. “a scheming wife”; “a scheming gold digger”.
Scheme – Form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner.

A truthful summary of huffy women is given at

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