Love diminishes over time

fuddled – Very drunk.
Fuddle – Make stupid with alcohol. Consume alcohol.Be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly.

confluence – A place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers). “Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers”. A flowing together. A coming together of people.

Laconic – Brief and to the point; effectively cut short. “the laconic reply; ‘yes'”.

squeaked – Make a high-pitched, screeching noise.

quitter – A person who gives up too easily.


Research in India shows Happiness in love Marriage start high with happiness, and decreases over time. While happiness in arranged marriages start low in happiness and increases over time. see ( 10 th minute )


Pet Shelter

The final attendant left the room and locked the premises of Laxmi Pet Shelter and Vet. The animals lazily started emerging from their cages as if waking up from a deep slumber. “I thought he will never leave. My legs were killing me in that little cage”, cried Rambo, the eldest of the newly arrived 4 dogs.

“Don’t worry sweetheart your pretty paws will adjust into them”, teased Rancho, the lone mischievous monkey of the lot, as he hopped around. “Such a handsome piece of puppy shouldn’t be kept in a cage anyways”, meowed Feathers, one of the many feline residents of the shelter. Rambo and Feathers darted a look at each other and undoubtedly blushed. Something called as love at first sight happened and they both were spellbound. The very next evening Feathers settled in Rambo’s cage on a permanent basis. The entire arena was befuddled by this unusual bondage.
Because of the arrival of Feather’s, Rambo’s cage-mate Victor was rendered homeless. He was forced to move in with Daisy, the mongrel bitch, whose was the only vacant cage in the Shelter. Daisy wasn’t big on new acquaintances so didn’t like the idea of sharing the cage with Victor. “I will go crazy with your silence, I feel like I am with a stuffed toy. Talking helps passing the time”, Victor used to taunt Daisy on her overly silent nature.
The entire shelter was gaga for the first few months over the rare matrimony of Rambo and Feathers. Seeing them so happy together filled everyone with jealously and also pushed Victor’s and Daisy’s confluence into irrelevance.
“You goo-girl where your heart leads you”, squawked Mirchi, a laconic parrot.
“I knew that pup was a trouble maker the moment I saw him. Within one day he whisked poor Feathers off her feet. Now look at them living with such a disdain”, chattered Rancho amongst his party of listeners.
“In order to be happy the true shouts of the heart must never be ignored” prophetically squeaked Fluffs, an elderly guinea pig. The other animals also picked sides and got into an animated argument.
“You are the love of my life Rambo. I want to be with you for all my nine lives”, said Feathers romantically.

“You goo-girl! You goo-girl!” screeched Mirchi as he fluttered around.

“I don’t know what to do with you Daisy. I feel so lonely around you, don’t you find me attractive. Say something please”, complained Victor in his cage.

They were forced to live together by the situation but the gap between them didn’t shrink.
A few months passed and Feathers started to feel restless. One night Feathers leapt out of the Shelter’s boundary and returned home only several days later. Rambo was furious on seeing her, he barked, “I have been worried sick about you and here you are roaming around for your merriment.”
Licking her paw Feathers replied slyly, “I am not some ordinary creature to stay in your confines the entire time. I am a free spirit and like to roam far and wide.” The barking and hissing continued for a long time but eventually they made up and came to terms. “You goo-girl! You goo-girl! Follow your heart!” cheered Mirchi.

Later that night there was a rustle in Victor’s cage. Finally Daisy had started to warm up to Victor and they talked till the sun came up. When the caretakers let them out they made love in the open air. “You won’t forget me now, would you?” asked Daisy with a long face. Licking her face Victor replied, “As long my tail wiggles I will stay with you.” Then they spent the rest of the day playing around and chasing cars.

“Such things happen to the best of us Rambo. A feline’s heart is a very fickle one, you can never predict it”, consoled Fluffs upon hearing that Feathers had not returned from one of her excursions for 2 weeks now.
“Such abnormal unions never last I tell you. I could see in her eyes since the first day that she was a quitter”, said Rancho with a sense of mischief.
“You roam like a goo-girl! You are a googal! You roam like google!” spoofed Mirchi and everyone laughed. Rambo dashed towards him to eat him but he fled just in time. Few cats too joined the discussion and defended the honor of their fellow feline. Amid this entire ruckus Victor and Daisy quietly dwelled in each other’s presence.

After a few days Feathers finally returned from her exile with a proud indifference. Instead of going directly to Rambo’s cage she joined her cats for a round of revelry. She returned to Rambo’s cage only the following morning. “I feel that I am no more a part of your life. What happened to all your promises?” yelped Rambo sadly. With a majestic eloquence she replied, “I am trying to be with you dear, but it’s become very difficult for me to find interest in you. You can’t even fetch me a saucer of milk when I crave one.” Rambo went about giving a dozen reasons of how he still found her attractive, and how much he still loved her, and she shot each one down scrupulously. “I am a free soul Rambo.

I want to experience everything that there is in this world. And being confined to that little cage of yours is just not going to do it for me” saying this she left a heart-torn canine behind.

The entire flock of animals was elated when Daisy gave birth to three adorable pups. Songs were sung, a scrumptious feast was arranged, Mirchi and Rancho performed a series of acrobatic stunts. “That’s the proper outcome of a fitting matrimony. Look at the three angels, they are just born now but are as big as me” squeaked Fluffs with great energy. All around the animals commented something pleasant about the newborns; always comparing their features with the pups as if they were collectively the parents. Victor viewed all of this proudly as he licked Daisy and his 3 pups.
Feathers was seldom seen in that shelter again. She had sought comfort in a big house just down the road where they gave her unlimited saucers of milk. She used to sporadically appear in Rambo’s cage for a few days. Soon Rambo got used to this arrangement because he liked her too much to leave her altogether.

On the days Feathers was away he used to sit staring at the gate eagerly wiggling his tail.
One by one all the 3 pups got adopted. It made Victor sad but Daisy always managed to set his mood straight. Faith had intertwined them in such a way that they had become a crucial part of each other’s life now. Meanwhile Feathers stopped her visits to Rambo and completely became a part of that lavish household, at least for the time-being.

“You must dust yourself off and get back on your feat. A stray bitch has just arrived you can try to get along with her” suggested Fluffs. But Rambo was too desolated to pursue love again.

“Follow your heart! Always follow your heart!” said Mirchi sounding like Feathers at which Rancho and the others gave a loud applause.

36 woman feeling happy at others misfortune skmclasses Bangalore

This is part of the series on Descriptive Adjectives and words for Creative Writing

To learn the ” meaning ” of an adjective or word from the story. Stories are known as fiction because they have fictitious characters.
An acerbic criticism of some imaginary
( gulling, gamey, clamant, exigent, blabbing, gabbling, palavering, crotchety, inveigling, cantankerous, blarneying, wheedling, chousing ) women.

Strange is this world …. Even the most harridan woman expects her husband to be uxorious.

Reading all the stories will teach you most useful, practical, adjectives for women. The verbs explain what women do in the stories.

Make sure you see



acerbic – Sour or bitter in taste. Harsh or corrosive in tone. “an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose”.

Dreary party lackluster skmclasses Bangalore Subhashish

gulling – Make a fool or dupe of. Gull – Fool or hoax. codding. twitting – Harass with persistent criticism or carping.
carping – Persistent petty and unjustified criticism. Raise trivial objections.
caviling. chicaning. chousing – Defeat someone through trickery or deceit. jockeying, shafting

gamey – Suggestive of sexual impropriety. racy.

clamant – Conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry. Demanding attention. “clamant needs”. clamorous.
strident – Being sharply insistent on being heard. “strident demands”. Unpleasantly loud and harsh. sibilant. spirant. fricative. continuant.

exigent – Demanding attention. “regarded literary questions as exigent and momentous”. Requiring precise accuracy.
“became more exigent over his pronunciation”.

blabbing – blabbering – Divulge confidential information or secrets. Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly. gabbling.
maundering. prating. clacking. gibbering. palavering. peaching. piffling, Piffle, prattling.
tattling – Prone to communicate confidential information. Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly.

inveigling – Influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering. blarneying.

wheedling – The act of urging by means of teasing or flattery.

harridan – A scolding (even vicious) old woman. nagger.

vicious – (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering. “vicious kicks”. Having the nature of vice.
Bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure. Marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful. “vicious gossip”.

uxorious – Foolishly fond of or submissive to your wife.

huffy – Quick to take offence. Roused to anger. “stayed huffy a good while”.

hollering – A very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal). Utter a sudden loud cry.

beefing – Complain. grousing. squawking. Utter a harsh abrupt scream. skreighing. screaking. whining. yawping. yammering. wrawling. yowling.

scheming – Concealing crafty designs for advancing your own interest. “a scheming wife”; “a scheming gold digger”.
Scheme – Form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner.

A truthful summary of huffy women is given at

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