The woman cries before the wedding and the man after – Polish Proverb

braggart – Exhibiting self-importance. A very boastful and talkative person.


The Wedding Woes…
OMG! Priya, Madhu! Guys have you checked your inbox and seen that email from Srini? Sadhana whispered loudly while standing at her cubicle with twinkling eyes and a gaping mouth.

Priya, looked up from her seat, which was just opposite Sadhana’s and said, “No. What is it? Why are you whispering so loudly. You can be heard on the other side of the floor I am sure.”

Sadhana – Girls come here!

Both Priya and Madhuri walked over and looked over Sadhana’s shoulder at the email she had opened in front of her. And they read it. It was an email Srini, the database admin in their project had sent to the entire team. All 15 team members were marked on it.
“Hi Guys,
As you all know I got married last month to Sapna. I was so happy, that a dark and bald man like me could even get a wife, let alone such a fair and beautiful one. My happiness knew no bounds.

All of you, my dear friends and colleagues asked me to give a party. I am sure you will believe me that I was only too happy to give a party and I also arranged a lunch in the Pavilion Restaurant today.

But yesterday, my wife ran away. Inspite of all the care I have taken of her, she ran away without telling me why. I ran around for 3 hours yesterday night to find her, as I was not sure if she went shopping or what happened. When I reached home, she was not there and it was only after half an hour I discovered one of her suitcases was missing.

Finally I found her sitting in the bus stop, with a ticket in her hand. I could not stop her. She boarded the bus to Hyderabad. She made such a scene when I tried to persuade her to come home with me and I even got beaten up by some stupid men over there.
Please forgive me, as I am not in frame of mind to attend a party. I am sure you all will understand. But, as I have booked a table at the restaurant. I humbly request all of you to please go ahead and I will give my credit card to Rahul.

You all should please enjoy yourselves.
I don’t want any of you to suffer because of me. I know you all will understand my distress and sympathize with my plight.

Warm Regards, Srini.”

Priya – Oh My God! Is he mad?
Madhu – He is crazy! What the hell..he needs his head examined. And he sent this to the whole team? He needs a doctor. No wonder the poor girl ran away in the middle of the night.

Sadhana, Priya and Madhu started giggling. Sadhana put her arms on the desk and buried her head trying to suppress the sound of her laughter. Madhu and Priya kneeled down near her chair clutching their desk.
Rahul came grinning over to their cubicle. The girls dissolved into fresh giggles.

Rahul – Girls keep it low. The joker will come here any moment. Be serious. What a duffer man! He has shamed all men. How can he cry like a bloody woman, wailing his private life story to all and sundry.

Sadhana – What do you mean “Bloody Woman”? No girl is this stupid. Have you seen any girl in office or in life be this stupid?

Rahul – Ok, Jhansi ki rani. I was just saying like that only yaar. Don’t start taking my class now.

Ping. They all turned to look at the new mail that popped up. Piyush, another loud mouth in the team was the first one to reply to this landmark email from Srini. They all turned to read.

“Hi Srini,
We are all very sorry to hear of this unfortunate incident that happened to you, man. Please, don’t worry about us. None of us in the team can imagine going to your party without you! How can we enjoy?
All of these small fights happen in domestic life. Don’t worry friend. Please let us know how we can help in any way.
And, if I may give a word of advice, I will ask you to take leave and go after your wife and get her back. I am sure Anuvinder will not mind approving your leave.

Warm Regards,
Rahul – Arrey this idiot Piyush. Why can’t he keep his dumb advice to himself! Oh shucks, girls look serious and open the status tracker. Anuvinder is coming out of his cabin with his hair standing up. He looks really upset. He might jump out of the window, I think. Watch out.

Rahul put on a poker face and started walking away. Anuvinder saw him, and gesticulated for him to join him as he walked grimly towards the other side of the floor. Srini, was walking over to Anuvinder. Anuvinder gestured and all three men then walked into his cabin. Sadhana stood up in her seat and gestured to Priya and Madhu to keep sitting on the floor. The girls were now almost under her desk, clutching their stomachs.
Sadhana – Girls, Anuvinder took Rahul & Srini with him into his cabin. Get up and go to your seats!
Priya and Madhu quickly got up and scuttled over to their seats. Tring! All three girls were invited to a group chat by Satish. He was a developer in their project.

Satish – Hello. Did you read that email by Srini?
Priya – Yes. We all saw.
Satish – No body is looking at your computers right?
Madhu – Yes yes. We are alone. Tell.

Satish – What a foolish man he is! You know when he got engaged 2 months back, he was telling us, that the girl had initially rejected him.

Sadhana – He he. Then why did she agree finally? Did he pay dowry to marry her then?

Satish – Ha ha ha! Very funny. Not sure why she agreed, but he is so foolish he was telling all of us guys in the smoking zone one day, that when she saw him the first time she started crying and ran away. Finally the family arranged a date for them, and he took her out shopping. There, when he asked her why she ran away crying, she frankly told him he is too dark and fat and bald and she does not want to marry anyone so ugly as him!

Madhu – Whaaaat?!

They both seem crazy! She said that on his face? And then why did she change her mind? And why did he agree to marry her? He has no self respect kya?

Priya – Seriously!

Satish – Ha ha ha. Well he told us he agreed with her that he was ugly and she looked like a fairy. He flattered her and treated her very well. He took her shopping and splurged money on her. And seeing how gentlemanly he was, and that he had done his MS in USA, and was a very intelligent IT engineer, and had a bright future, and was an only son of a rich landed family, she finally got impressed and changed her mind.
Sadhana – IT Engineer? What a braggart! Ha ha ha ha!! What a couple. She was crying before marriage and now he is crying afterwards!!
Madhu – And the world is laughing!

Priya – Ok guys. get back to work. Anuvinder is coming out of his cabin with Rahul and Srini the Devdas. Let’s end this chat.

This is part of the series on Descriptive Adjectives and words for Creative Writing

To learn the ” meaning ” of an adjective or word from the story. Stories are known as fiction because they have fictitious characters.
An acerbic criticism of some imaginary
( gulling, gamey, clamant, exigent, blabbing, gabbling, palavering, crotchety, inveigling, cantankerous, blarneying, wheedling, chousing ) women.

Strange is this world …. Even the most harridan woman expects her husband to be uxorious.

Reading all the stories will teach you most useful, practical, adjectives for women. The verbs explain what women do in the stories.

Humans enjoy a lot to listen to stories 🙂
It is much easier to remember a word by associating it with stories. That’s what has been done in this site.

Make sure you see



acerbic – Sour or bitter in taste. Harsh or corrosive in tone. “an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose”.

gulling – Make a fool or dupe of. Gull – Fool or hoax. codding. twitting – Harass with persistent criticism or carping.
carping – Persistent petty and unjustified criticism. Raise trivial objections.
caviling. chicaning. chousing – Defeat someone through trickery or deceit. jockeying, shafting

gamey – Suggestive of sexual impropriety. racy.

clamant – Conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry. Demanding attention. “clamant needs”. clamorous.
strident – Being sharply insistent on being heard. “strident demands”. Unpleasantly loud and harsh. sibilant. spirant. fricative. continuant.

exigent – Demanding attention. “regarded literary questions as exigent and momentous”. Requiring precise accuracy.
“became more exigent over his pronunciation”.

blabbing – blabbering – Divulge confidential information or secrets. Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly. gabbling.
maundering. prating. clacking. gibbering. palavering. peaching. piffling, Piffle, prattling.
tattling – Prone to communicate confidential information. Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly.

inveigling – Influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering. blarneying.

wheedling – The act of urging by means of teasing or flattery.

harridan – A scolding (even vicious) old woman. nagger.

vicious – (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering. “vicious kicks”. Having the nature of vice.
Bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure. Marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful. “vicious gossip”.

uxorious – Foolishly fond of or submissive to your wife.

huffy – Quick to take offence. Roused to anger. “stayed huffy a good while”.

hollering – A very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal). Utter a sudden loud cry.

beefing – Complain. grousing. squawking. Utter a harsh abrupt scream. skreighing. screaking. whining. yawping. yammering. wrawling. yowling.

scheming – Concealing crafty designs for advancing your own interest. “a scheming wife”; “a scheming gold digger”.
Scheme – Form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner.

A truthful summary of huffy women is given at

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